

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) + Certified AIP Coach

Hi! I'm Mandy, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Autoimmune Coach based out of Milwaukee, WI. I'm on a mission to empower women to take charge of their well-being through real food, lifestyle changes, and positive mindset shifts.

I struggled with weight, anxiety and skin concerns for years. In my late teens and early 20s I had insomnia that made my anxiety (and attitude) so much worse. I also had amenorrhea for a few years which resulted in me in the emergency room with a ruptured ovarian cyst. I was never informed that any of this could be a result of poor diet, lifestyle choices or medication. 

Not surprisingly, I ended up gaining 25-30 pounds over a very short amount of time. I grew up in the low fat craze when the food pyramid told you to eat 6-11 servings of grains per day. (Excuse me?! WUT??) So I did what I was told. I was counting calories, eating processed and packaged foods that claimed to be healthy, and made sure to get in all of those servings of grains :)

I started tracking every single thing I ate and exercising constantly so I could “earn” more calories for the day. I spent a lot of time skipping parties and ignoring friends because I just couldn’t fit the calories of a few drinks into my plan. I often felt deprived and I would end up indulging. I would have to restrict more the following days to make up the calories. And you know what? I did lose weight. Quite a bit actually. But I felt like crap, my anxiety was worse, I was always tired, and I never saw my friends. But who cares right?? I was getting my bod back. It worked really well….until it didn’t. I was still eating the same amount of calories and doing the same thing I had been doing for months, and I started to gain weight. I thought that if I "dieted harder" I would get the results that I wanted. I was constantly exhausted and didn’t feel like myself. I was so lost and I felt so crappy! 

In 2014, I stumbled upon a health podcast (The Balanced Bites podcast) which lead me down a rabbit hole of health podcasts. I was inspired to take control of my own health and find what works for me. I got rid of the 100-calorie-pack snacks and started focusing on real, whole foods. I added in as many nutritious foods as possible, which left less room for the junk. I eventually enrolled in the Nutrition Therapy Practitioner program through the Nutritional Therapy Association and everything changed! I finally experienced what "feeling good" really felt like, and I haven't looked back since. 

These days, I never count calories and I eat so freely! I eat a lot of the foods that make me feel good, and try to avoid foods that make me feel like crap. I’ve let go of the idea that weight matters more than how I feel. And I’ve ended up maintaining a comfortable weight while feeling 1982374% better. I sleep like a rock, and my anxiety is much more manageable. It’s difficult to look back on that version of myself and how much I struggled. It’s hard to believe I went that long feeling so bad. But it got me to where I am now! And I’m ready to help others see how good they can really feel!


Am I the right fit for YOU?

I think it is important that you know what I believe in and why I do what I do. These are my core beliefs:

food can heal 

I believe in the power of food. Even a small dietary change can make a big impact on overall wellbeing. I help my clients shift their mindset to prioritize choosing foods that nourish, heal, and fuel the body. I want them to provide their body with what it needs to thrive rather than restricting and punishing the body.

it's about you

There is no diet or plan that is perfect for everyone. I’m here to create a personalized action plan that works for YOU. I’ll be cheering you on the entire way and we’ll work together to help you achieve optimal health.


Navigating all the health and diet information out there can be overwhelming. Trust me, i get it. I've been there. i'm here to help you make informed diet and lifestyle choices that will make you feel better.