Cherry Limeade Gummies


Cherry limeade is one of my favorite flavors! I used to love the Cherry Limeade from Sonic, back before I cared about the 65 grams of sugar! Eeeek

These super simple gummies only use 4 ingredients and it’s any easy way to add the gut healing properties of gelatin into your diet.

Suggested Tools:


  • 0.5  C tart cherry juice

  • 2 T lime juice

  • 2 T maple syrup

  • 1.5  T grass fed gelatin


  1. Heat the cherry juice, lime juice, and maple syrup in a saucepan until warm. Don’t bring to a boil as it can destroy the nutrients. 

  2. Turn off the heat and whisk in gelatin ½ Tablespoon at a time. 

  3. Use a dropper to add to molds. 

  4. Put in the refrigerator for at least an hour to firm up 

  5. Store gummies in the refrigerator for up to a week. 


  • If you don't have silicone molds, you can also pour the mixture into a rimmed baking sheet or a glass baking dish and cut into squares. This method might require more time in the fridge to firm.

  • I prefer tart cherry juice, but if you’d like a sweeter flavor you can also substitute black cherry juice.

  • You can easily substitute honey instead of maple syrup.

Check our my other Immune Boosting Gummies recipe.